Starting with eAssessment

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IB World Schools who want to start with eAssessment can explore the information on this page.

The IB provides documentation to IB World Schools with assessment procedures, assessment related fees and guidance on the IT infrastructure required which allows to plan ahead and consider the potential necessity to update or extend their IT capability.

Guidelines for successful introduction

Once a school decides to take part in MYP eAssessment,  planning, professional development and good teaching and good learning through the middle years can contribute to successful implementation of the assessment model.

Curriculum planning

Schools who construct a plan for year 5 from the start of the schools’ programme produce students who are prepared for MYP eAssessment. This plan requires collaboration between teachers, MYP coordinators, students and parents.

MYP teachers can bring five practices into their planning and classroom activities to effectively ready themselves and their students for year 5.

  1. Teach from a unit plan through inquiry
  2. Be inclusive
  3. Use a variety of summative assessments
  4. Use MYP criteria to mark summative assessments
  5. Instil academic honesty standards

Providing professional development to staff

The IB has a wide range of professional development opportunities on offer to understand and harness the potential of digital assessments in the MYP. These include an Assessment Ready nano PD on the Programme Resource Center (PRC), a series of recorded webinars and workshops for teachers.

Educating the school community

In addition to delivering effective teacher training in the MYP and eAssessment, the MYP coordinator also supports both teachers and students in understanding these important areas:

Parents will also need the MYP coordinator's expertise in understanding eAssessment. The IB has a dedicated webpage for parents about assessment and MYP coordinators can find dedicated resources such as this flyer for parents in the IB digital toolkit to help them organize an information session for parents.

Strengthening teaching and learning

To help schools understand the MYP’s rigorous global standards and strengthen teaching, several supporting documents are published on the Programme Resource Centre (PRC):

  • subject guides with assessment criteria, examination blueprints and topic lists
  • specimen examinations for each subject
  • general (subject) reports
  • marking schemes
  • marked examples of student work

MYP Assessment Procedures helps teachers plan MYP year 5 so that students are ready for the MYP eAssessment examination session.

Further information: eAssessment materials and resources

Introductory resources

If you'd like a further introduction to eAssessment, take a look at this collection of videos and demos of past exams. You can also access this infographic to gain an understanding of MYP eAssessment. 

For more in-depth information, please watch our series of eAssessment webinars or read some of our school case studies. You can also find statistics on the eAssessment sessions here.

Starting with eAssessment

IB World Schools who want to start with eAssessment can explore these resources:

For further assistance, please contact the IB Answers team or get in touch with your IB World School manager for specialist support.

Preparing for an upcoming examination session

IB World Schools who are getting ready for the upcoming examination session for on-screen examinations, ePortfolios or the personal project can find all eAssessment process and procedures materials on the Programme Resource Center (PRC).

For further assistance, please contact the IB Answers team.

Not an IB World School yet?

Any school educating students aged 11-16 years of age can apply to implement the MYP – including the optional MYP eAsessment – and become an IB World School.

Schools must successfully complete an authorization process to become an IB World School. During this process, the IB supports schools in building the understanding and organizational structures it will need to implement IB’s internationally minded programmes.

You can find out how to become an IB World School, if you're interested in eAssessment but aren't one already.