Effective preparation for MYP eAssessment involves planning, professional development and good teaching and learning throughout the middle years. Read more information on starting with eAssessment here.
During the MYP year 5, there are several important deadlines and activities that must be considered in the months leading up to ePortfolios submission. Please see the information below for more details.
Launch ePortfolio units using the partially completed unit planners
Teachers must use the session-specific partially completed unit planners to launch ePortfolio units so that students can complete the required assessment tasks.
Partially completed unit planners are available for MYP language acquisition, MYP arts, MYP design and MYP health and physical education.
View example here on the Programme Resource Center (PRC).
Incorporating global context into your units of study
A prescribed global context informs MYP on-screen examinations and ePortfolio tasks within each examination session.
The global context is announced six months before the examination session, allowing teachers to incorporate this global context into their units of study.
The six global contexts of the MYP:
- Identities and relationships
- Orientation in space and time
- Personal and cultural expression
- Scientific and technical innovation
- Globalization and sustainability
- Fairness and development
Conduct standardization
The IB regards standardization as a best-practice method to be used by the teachers. The method ensures all teachers understand key elements to awarding levels. It also ensures teachers interpret and apply the same standards
Teachers conduct internal standardization, assess the students’ coursework, and submit criterion level totals to the IB. Schools are responsible for applying a common standard for determining student achievement. Teachers assess coursework using published criteria for investigating, planning, taking action and reflecting.
After marking each student’s work, teachers are required to record their level for each criterion and provide a short statement to justify the level awarded.
Coordinators use the IB Information System (IBIS) to enter criterion level totals awarded for ePortfolios of coursework.
Trained IB examiners review the levels of achievement awarded by teachers at the school for a sample of 5-10 ePortfolios of coursework in each registered language. Schools may be asked to send additional samples for moderation in order to resolve inconsistencies in levels awarded by the school.
School-based judgments appearing consistently above or below the global standard will be subject to an adjustment of achievement levels for all student.
Uploading ePortfolios
Coordinators electronically submit ePortfolios of coursework selected by the IB for moderation.
ePortfolios can contain a range of media formats including audio, video, image and conventional word and pdf documents. The IB provides information on permissible sizes, types and recommended formatting.
MYP coordinators submit teacher-assessed totals and sample ePortfolios via the IB Information System (IBIS).
IBIS automatically selects students’ work for the sample which is then uploaded for moderation purposes.
Further information
Are you teaching arts, design or physical and health education in the MYP? We have put together some tips and guidance to help you with Assessing MYP student ePortfolios. You will also find the advice useful for the personal project.
You can also watch our recorded webinar below:
MYP Personal Project Standardisation Exercise (2017)