These resources provide support and understanding about key characteristics of the Primary Year's Programme (PYP).
Support understanding of key characteristics of PYP leading to authorization
Please see below our new PYP PD resource series. The first four workshops focus on supporting and understanding key characteristics of the PYP, leading to school authorization.
The IB teacher professional
Learn about the capabilities that are best fit for the role of a PYP teacher, then identify strengths for the role and reflect on your own strengths and areas of growth as a teacher.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Strong central ideas
Learn more about creating strong, concept driven central ideas, consider criteria for what makes a strong central idea and create central ideas using different entry points.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Learning in a transdisciplinary world
Understand the value of the transdisciplinary themes and the role of the subject areas within a transdisciplinary approach, consider how these themes provide the context for authentic and meaningful learning and select learning outcomes that will support students’ understanding in relation to concepts, lines of inquiry and the central idea.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Inquiry happens everywhere
Learn more about how and where inquiry is present in our learning community, consider inquiry learning practices and where your current fitness strengths lie and dig deeper into your inquiry practices and create an action plan for strengthening them.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Engaging with the PYP enhancements
This set of four workshops nanos focuses on the new elements of the enhanced PYP framework, which include the concepts of agency and action.
Student agency in PYP learning communities
Explore how aspects of your learning community can support student agency.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Action in the early years and beyond!
Think about the nature of action and how you might create an environment that supports student-initiated action.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Use feedback to feedforward
Observe the experience of one teacher giving feedback to feedforward and connect this to your own experience as an assessment capable educator.
Available in French, Spanish or Arabic.
Language-rich learning communities
Learn about diverse ways PYP schools offer a language-rich learning environment and explore some of the practices that support multilingualism.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Innovating in the PYP
This third set of PYP PD resources provides examples of flexible and innovative approaches in the PYP.
Developing assessment superpowers
Engage with the features of an assessment-capable learning community, with particular focus on the role of students and teachers.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Play-based learning
Explore how early years learning communities are purposefully supporting young learners as they collectively construct understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills and dispositions that are essential for learning.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Empowering exhibition experiences
Investigate ways to support students’ agency as they engage in their exhibition experience.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Concept-based learning
Consider the practices and strategies that support students to inquire at a conceptual level.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
The learning community
This fourth set of PYP PD resources explores the role the learning community plays in implementing a programme that reflects and supports learner agency.
Coherency through collaboration
Connect with different members of a PYP learning community and reflect on how they support learner agency by facilitating coherent learning experiences.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Partnering with families
Explore ways in which families can be meaningfully involved in partnerships that support and enhance learning.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Planning for practice
Consider how our planning process reflects our learning community and supports a shared vision for learning.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
Knowing our learners
Explore how intersections of learners’ identity impact planning of learning and teaching.
Available in French, Spanish and Arabic.