PSP learning resources

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Browse through these professional development (PD) courses to understand the Programme standards and practices (PSP), and how to implement it at your school.

The Programme standards and practices (PSP)  provides a set of criteria through which prospective schools, authorized IB World Schools (IBWS) and the IB can evaluate success, providing critical information for the planning, implementation, development and evaluation of all IB programmes. Within the PSP you can also learn how to become an IBWS, how to attain and maintain authorization, and understand the legal stipulations for implementing any of the IB programmes at your school. 

Below are some short, interactive PD courses that will help you gain fresh insight into the PSP, and how it is used to implement, grow and develop our IB programmes across all IBWS.


How does the IB support schools?

Begin your exploration of how the PSP supports schools. Find out what it is and why it’s important.

How do we use the IB programme standards and practices?

IB World Schools are living, evolving systems – what are the key parts? How do they interact to create effective practice? Use this free learning to help answers these questions and more.

How do we grow and develop our IB programmes?

Professional inquiry is a key component of programme evaluation and development. Take a look at how the PSP can inform this work.

How do we strengthen the implementation of the IB programme(s) in our school?

Focused and strategic programme development is key to building and sustaining effective IB programmes. Use this step by step programme development process to positively impact student learning in your school.