Meeting PD requirements

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IB professional development (PD) workshops and resources are powerful tools to help develop both educators and your programmes.

The IB establishes minimum professional learning requirements, which serve as a starting point for comprehensive, strategic professional learning that leads to stronger programme implementation and positive student outcomes.

Read the summary of PD requirements for schools seeking authorization and for schools undergoing programme evaluation below.

Schools seeking authorization

Schools seeking authorization can find professional development requirements here.

Schools undergoing programme evaluation

Professional development requirements prior to evaluation

During the period under review, schools must comply with IB-recognized professional development requirements, including requirements specific to each programme as outlined below. 

Schools have flexibility and choice in selecting workshops to fulfil requirements. IBWS managers can support schools in selecting appropriate workshops.

IB programmes benefit from a strong commitment to professional learning aligned with focused programme development efforts and school strategic goals. Schools are encouraged to develop comprehensive professional learning plans for all teachers.

Please take note of these additional considerations:

  • Staff appointed during the period under review refers to staff who are new to their role or to an IB programme during the period covered by the programme evaluation.
  • Staff who completed a relevant IB-recognized workshop at another school meet the requirement.
  • Staff who serve as a workshop leader for a relevant workshop meet this requirement.
  • Relevant workshops are any Category 1, 2 and 3 workshops related to the programme and the role of a participant. Workshops for a different programme or different role do not meet the requirement. School context determines which workshops are relevant for the role.
  • Completion of either an IB educator certificate or an IB leadership certificate meets the requirement for participation in IB-recognized workshops.
  • Completion of Master of Education in Advanced Teaching from University of the People meets the requirement for participation in IB-recognized workshops.

Read more about workshop and workshop categories in our latest IB Workshops and Services catalogue. 

Professional development requirements during evaluation for all programmes

Head of school requirements for all programmes

The head of school (or designee), if appointed during the period under review, must participate in a relevant IB workshop or attended an IB Global Conference, or IB Heads World Conference. The head of school may designate someone to participate in the workshop, provided that the designee has decision-making authority over the indicated IB programme.

Coordinator requirements

An IB programme coordinator appointed during the period under review must attend an IB workshop: Category 1, 2 or 3.

Programme-specific professional development requirements

In addition to the requirements above, schools must meet additional minimum requirements as follows:

PYP requirements
  • Teachers hired during the period under review must participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3.


MYP requirements
  • At all times, at least one teacher per subject group must participate in the relevant subject-group specific IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3.
  • Following the review of a subject group, when a new guide has been published, at least one teacher in the indicated subject group must complete the relevant workshop. Development opportunities provided to update IB workshop leaders on curriculum changes also meet this requirement.
  • Each school that has been authorized as part of an MYP partnership must individually comply with the IB professional development requirements.

DP requirements

  • Any DP teacher, theory of knowledge (TOK) teacher, and creativity, activity and service (CAS) coordinator appointed during the period under review must participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3, related to their subject or role
  • At least one Diploma Programme subject teacher per subject, one TOK teacher and the CAS coordinator must participate in a relevant IB workshop, if the subject or course has been reviewed during the period under review and when a new guide has been published. Development opportunities provided to update IB workshop leaders on curriculum changes also meet this requirement.

CP requirements

  • Personal and professional skills (PPS) teachers appointed during the period under review must participate in an IB workshop relevant to their role.
  • At least one teacher, coordinator, or the head of school must participate in a service-learning workshop.
  • Any DP subject teacher appointed during the period under review must participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3, related to their subject or role.
  • At least one DP subject teacher per subject must participate in a relevant IB workshop, if the subject or course has been reviewed during the period under review and when a new guide has been published. Development opportunities provided to update IB workshop leaders on curriculum changes also meet this requirement. 

New opportunity: IB Micro-credentials

The IB is piloting Micro-credentials, a new opportunity for professional learning. During this pilot, Micro-credentials meet some requirements for professional learning for programme evaluation.

To meet the requirements, participants must:

  • be awarded an IB Micro-credential*
  • complete the Micro-credential survey**
  • participate in a Micro-credential focus group**

Micro-credentials meet the requirement for:

  • PYP teachers hired during the period under review to participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3.
  • DP teachers, theory of knowledge (TOK) teachers and creativity, activity and service (CAS) coordinators, appointed during the period under review to participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3, related to their subject or role.
  • CP teachers of DP subjects appointed during the period under review to participate in an IB workshop: category 1, 2 or 3, related to their subject or role.
  • Personal and professional skills (PPS) teachers appointed during the period under review to participate in an IB workshop relevant to their role.

Micro-credentials do not meet the requirement for participation in:

  • MYP subject-group-specific workshops
  • DP or CP workshops when a subject or course has been reviewed

During the initial pilot, micro-credentials are offered in English. Following the pilot, workshop equivalencies for micro-credentials will be determined.

For more information about participating in the IB Micro-credentials visit our micro-credentials page.

*Micro-credentials are offered through Digital Promise and IB Exchange. Only Micro-credentials that name International Baccalaureate as the “Issuing Organization” will be accepted. 

**Following the award of an IB Micro-credential, an email invitation to complete the survey and participate in a focus group will be sent

Explore our workshop catalogue

Our latest Workshops and Services catalogue provides a detailed overview of all our IB-approved professional development workshops.

New workshops and services

The 2024–2025 IB workshops and services professional development catalogue includes all four IB programmes, along with other IB products.