During the request for candidacy phase, the school begins the authorization process by gathering the information needed to complete the school profile and “Application for candidacy”, and by assembling the requested supporting documents.
The school formally applies for candidate status by:
- completing the school and programme profile
- submitting the application and supporting documents
- paying the appropriate fee
Schools should begin by reviewing the sample Application for candidacy for the relevant programme, available in the resource library.
Once the school is ready to complete the application, it will access the school profile and Application for candidacy via My School. The application will be read by an IB educator, who will offer feedback on the application. IB staff will review the IB educator’s feedback and decide if the school is to be awarded candidacy.
Professional development
Schools will have completed the professional development (PD) required to apply for candidacy during the consideration phase. There are no additional PD requirements relating to the request for candidacy phase.
Schools will have paid the IB fee relating to the application for candidacy and appropriate to the relevant programme during the consideration phase. The IB’s response to the request for candidacy will not be provided until the appropriate fee has been paid. There are no additional IB costs relating to the request for candidacy phase.
Read more about fees for candidate schools here.
Documents and resources
These are the key documents for the request for candidacy phase:
- The programme-specific Guides to authorization
- Requirements for candidacy for the relevant programme
- Sample Application for candidacy for the relevant programme
- Rules for IB candidate schools
- Rules for IB World Schools
- Programme standards and practices 2014
The following milestones must be reached during the request for candidacy phase for the school to move on to the next phase in the process:
- The school submits the Application for candidacy (including the school profile, budget and supporting documents).
- The IB issues a decision on candidacy
Points of contact
The school will continue to work closely with their IB Development team member. The school may also begin to work with members of the IB’s Authorization team.
Next steps
Schools that are awarded candidacy will begin the next phase: candidacy (incorporating consultation).