Growing DP and CP participation in your school

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All around the world, IB World Schools offering the Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme share a commitment to its philosophy and a passion for its successful implementation.

With rigorous standards and practices requirements, IB World Schools ensure students, parents and faculty that their educational experience incorporates best-practices from national and international research, as well as the IB global community.

Offering a high quality programme of international education requires DP and CP schools to promote access to the curricula for all students who can benefit from the educational experience they provide. They must also implement strategies that encourage students to attempt the full diploma.

To support this practice, we share research, best-practices and many inspirational stories from schools that have successfully grown their DP and CP participation. Whether in state or private institutions, we believe that all students deserve access to an IB education.

  • Research

    Research shows the DP is a proven support for students in their academic life and beyond.

  • School success stories

    Draw inspiration and motivation from schools around the world as they share creative strategies to successfully grow DP participation. 

  • Alumni profiles

    DP graduates have a wide variety of academic interests, and often go on to achieve great things in many different disciplines. 

  • DP participation webinars

    Explore applicable strategies to help your school broaden the DP and grow participation.