Classical languages

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The civilizations of ancient Rome and Greece have played a vital part in shaping many modern societies and cultures. Fundamentally, the study of Latin and Classical Greek trains the mind, developing skills of critical thought, memory and close analysis, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of these languages and the cultures that produced them.

The Diploma Programme course in classical languages provides opportunities for students to explore the languages, literatures and cultures of ancient Rome and Greece. The course is designed to enable students to study classical languages in higher education, and also welcome those students who seek to develop an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of peoples from classical cultures through the study of texts in the original language.

Latin and Classical Greek are separate subjects in DP classical languages. They share the same syllabus outline and assessment model, and can be studied at standard level (SL) or higher level (HL).  For a given language, SL and HL syllabus requirements share elements, including authors and options, as prescribed in the guide. The difference between SL and HL is reflected both in the breadth of study and in the level of knowledge and skills expected at assessment.

Learn more about classical languages in a DP workshop for teachers

Classical languages subject brief

Subject briefs are short two-page documents providing an outline of the course. Read the standard level (SL) and/or higher level (HL) subject brief below. 

classical language-sl-hl.png

Classical languages SL & HL (PDF, 35 KB) pdf

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