Quincy Kameda, IB Practitioner, Tamagawa University Research Institute K-16 Education Research Center (Japan) and Maki Komatsu, IB Practitioner, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School (Japan)
The term approaches to learning (ATL) and the underlying theories behind the use of the framework are well documented in IB literature. However, in practice, it is not quite clear how the ATL skills framework actually assists students in “learning how to learn” in the classroom or identifies effective approaches for teachers to integrate ATL into learning engagements to make them relevant and meaningful for learners. This study explores how teachers in ten different IB candidate/authorized (Article 1) schools in Japan engaged with ATL as they attempted to integrate the framework into their teaching. The outcome was the emergence of a grounded theory (collaborative crafting), describing a three-stage social process that promotes the development of a supportive teacher learning environment whereby all teachers work collaboratively and meaningfully towards the co-construction of a common pedagogical approach.