Continuation study of student performance and engagement in the Middle Years Programme (2013)

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Julie H. Wade and Natalie L. Wolanin

This study adds to the findings of "Student performance and student engagement in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme," (Wade, 2011) by further examining MYP student performance, course enrollment and global mindedness as well as teacher perceptions of programme components and professional development. The study found some degree of evidence that students who attended an MYP school were more likely to enroll in advanced-level science and mathematics courses in high school than their peers who attended a non-MYP school. Additionally, previous enrollment in the MYP did appear to have a positive impact on global mindedness. Overall, there were few differences between MYP students and their non-MYP peers with respect to course grades and performance on state-mandated tests in science and mathematics. The majority of teachers felt that MYP professional development met their needs and impacted their teaching strategies. Additionally the majority of teachers stated that they engage their students in critical thinking and real-life issues. Teachers also reported a number of challenges such as competing district priorities as well as a larger workload associated with MYP.

Research summary (PDF, 154 KB)

Report - Phase 1 (PDF, 394 KB)

Report - Phase 2 (PDF, 329 KB)

Report - Phase 3 (PDF, 560 KB)