IB collaborations

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The IB recognizes the value of building relationships with renowned professional development institutions.

Our joint efforts help to consistently improve the quality of professional development, and improve the experience for educators, consequently improving schools and students’ experiences.

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Professional Education aspires to provide transformative learning experiences by bringing together diverse professionals, connecting them with each other and with HGSE’s leading faculty and research, and engaging them in important problems of practice. 

In collaboration with Project Zero (PZ), a renowned research group at HGSE, Professional Education offers opportunities to engage with the ideas of PZ both in-person and online throughout the year.  

These professional development programs are grounded in the day-to-day practice of teachers and school leaders. They help educators develop engaging learning experiences that develop skills in areas most relevant to students today. 

Harvard Project Zero

Evidence Based Education

The IB has approved the Assessment Lead Programme from Evidence Based Education. The program builds capacity for schools to conduct more reliable and purposeful assessment as a tool for teaching and learning. 

The online programme showcases many characteristics that research has proven to make CPD effective and impactful:

  • Over 30 hours of professional learning sustained over three terms, including non-negotiable in-school exercises and practice opportunities to stage learning
  • Support is included and provided by a team led by highly qualified former teachers
  • A minimum of two people per school promotes collaboration and peer support, which is facilitated through scheduled meetings and activities aligned to content
  • A strong focus is on the implementation of the knowledge and skills gained with guided activity and resources to plan change and support others in school

 Better assessment gives us better information and better information leads to better decisions on what students know, can do and need next. 

Find out more about the Assessment Lead Programme.

Please note: To ensure the course is acknowledged as part of evaluation, please use the code ‘IB/ALP’ when booking.