Earn teacher credits

Last updated:

In collaboration with Kent State University, we offer IB Examiners who meet certain criteria an excellent opportunity to gain US teacher credit hours for work completed as an examiner.

To be eligible for credits, you have to fulfil both of the following:

  • complete all training elements within a component between 1 January and the start of marking for that component,
  • successfully mark or moderate at least a standard target of students’ responses for the same component during the May examination session.

It is possible to earn either two or three credit hours. Two credit hours are available if you complete training and mark in one component. Three credit hours are available if you complete training and mark two components. There is a fee of USD 440 for two graduate credits or USD 660 for three graduate credits. You will also have to submit a reflective written assignment to Kent State University to complete the credit requirements.

Examiners who complete the training and marking requirements will be contacted with the opportunity to register for teacher credits with Kent State University after the issue of results (July/August).

For more information visit the Kent State University website.

If you have any queries, please contact us.