Conflicts of interest

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A conflict of interest occurs where an individual’s ability to exercise judgement or act in one role is—or could be—impaired or otherwise influenced by his or her involvement in another role or relationship. The individual does not need to exploit his or her position or obtain an actual benefit, financial or otherwise. A potential for competing interests and/or a perception of impaired judgement or undue influence can also be a conflict of interest.

IBEN conflicts of interest policy (PDF 158 KB)

As an IBEN, you have to declare all potential conflicts of interest to the IB. This is to ensure the validity of assessment. All examiners should be fully independent of the work they assess. Similarly, all those involved in the production of assessments should be independent of the students who will take those assessments. 

Please note there may be other conflicts which are not listed below that you should declare. If in any doubt, please contact us.

Examples of potential conflicts of interests


  • You work or have worked at an IB school.
  • You have lectured at an IB school, either to students, staff or any other associated group.
  • You act or have acted as a consultant for an IB school.
  • You are or have been a member of an IB school board or a parent-teacher association affiliated with the school. You have undertaken any other paid or unpaid work for an IB school.
  • You have trained employees who work at an IB school.
  • You deliver study classes or revision courses for IB students.
  • You lead any workshops or provide professional development training to IB teachers or schools, whether through the IB or not.
  • You have undertaken paid or unpaid tutoring, in person or at a distance, of IB students. 
  • You work or have worked for a competitor of the IB.
  • You work for a supplier to the IB.
  • You have sold or provided learning resources to an IB school.
  • You produce resources which are intended for the use of IB students.
  • In your current role, you are in competition either academically or financially with an IB school or any person associated with the school.


  • Someone close to you works at or attends an IB school.
  • You support in any way an IB school or a team/group associated with the school.


  • You look favorably or negatively at a school/schools because of their geographical location.


  • Your beliefs or views may lead you to look favorably or negatively on a piece of work submitted by a student.