Approaches to Learning

  • Thème de l’atelier: Éduc IB + PP + PEI + Dip + POP
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Niveau: Cat 3

These workshops are organized by Qatar Foundation in cooperation with the IB.

[email protected]


Consult the IB workshops and services catalogue for workshop descriptions and guidance on which workshop category to choose.


Nom de l’événement Thème de l’atelier Langue Niveau
Approaches to Learning Éduc IB + PP + PEI + Dip + POP Anglais Cat 3
Arabic A: Language and literature Dip Arabe Cat 1+2
Biology Dip Anglais Cat 2
Developing your PYP framework: Early years PP Anglais Cat 3
Engaging collaborative communities (CANCELLED) PP Anglais Cat 2
Global politics (CANCELLED) Dip Anglais Cat 2
Inquiry in the MYP PEI Anglais Cat 3
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP PEI Arabe Cat 2
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP (CANCELLED) PEI Anglais Cat 2
Language and literature (CANCELLED) PEI Arabe Cat 2
Leading an IB education Dir + PP + PEI + Dip + POP Anglais Cat 3
Local and global inquirers PP Anglais Cat 2
Local and global inquirers PP Arabe Cat 2
Making the PYP happen: Implementing agency PP Anglais Cat 1
Making the PYP happen: Implementing agency PP Arabe Cat 1
Managing assessment: Sciences (CANCELLED) PEI Anglais Cat 3
Mathematics (CANCELLED) PEI Anglais Cat 2
Personal, social and physical education - Well-being PP Anglais Cat 3
Principles of equitable and inclusive education Éduc IB + PP + PEI + Dip + POP Anglais Cat 3
The personal project PEI Anglais Cat 2
Understanding the MYP PEI Anglais Cat 3