Lengua y Literatura (Language and literature)

  • PD Topic area: MYP
  • Language: Spanish
  • Level: Cat 2

These workshops are organized by Universidad Camilo José Cela in cooperation with the IB.



[email protected]


Consult the IB workshops and services catalogue for workshop descriptions and guidance on which workshop category to choose.


Workshop name PD Topic area Language Level
Agency, action and engagement IB Ed + PYP + MYP + DP + CP English Cat 3
Aprendizaje y enseñanza para la comprensión conceptual (Learning and teaching for conceptual understanding) PYP Spanish Cat 2
Asesoramiento (Counselling) DP Spanish Cat 2
Ciencias (Sciences) MYP Spanish Cat 2
Ciencias del Deporte, el Ejercicio y la Salud (Sports, exercise and health science) DP Spanish Cat 1
Cómo apoyar a los alumnos del IB en el proceso de admisión universitaria (Supporting IB students in the university admissions process) DP + CP Spanish Cat 3
Creatividad, Actividad y Servicio (Creativity, activity, service) DP Spanish Cat 1
El papel de las artes (The role of arts) PYP Spanish Cat 3
El papel del coordinador (The role of the coordinator) PYP Spanish Cat 3
El Proyecto Comunitario (The community project) MYP Spanish Cat 2
El Proyecto Personal (The personal project) MYP Spanish Cat 2
Enfoques del aprendizaje (Approaches to Learning) IB Ed + PYP + MYP + DP + CP Spanish Cat 3
Español A: Lengua y Literatura (Spanish A: Language and literature) DP Spanish Cat 2
Español B (Spanish B) DP Spanish Cat 1
Integridad académica (Academic Integrity) DP + CP Spanish Cat 3
Leading the learning DP English Cat 1
Lengua y Literatura (Language and literature) MYP Spanish Cat 2
Liderazgo del aprendizaje (Leading the learning) DP Spanish Cat 2
Monografía (Extended essay) DP Spanish Cat 1
Planning for programme evaluation MYP English Cat 3
Promover el bienestar en la comunidad escolar (Leading well-being in the school community) Lead + PYP + MYP + DP + CP Spanish Cat 3
  • General information

    It is recommended to book your flights and confirm the hotel reservations once the registered workshop has been confirmed by the provider.