Become a sponsor or exhibitor

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Sponsoring the IB African Education Festival will connect you with some of the most influential educational practitioners, organizations and thought leaders in the industry. This is the perfect opportunity for any organization working in the areas of educational consultancy, online programmes, eLearning, educational software programmes and hardware services, as well as publishing.

The advantages of becoming a sponsor or exhibitor?

  • Meet schools and potential customers from all over Africa region
  • Increase your profile by networking with a diverse range of professionals and service/product users
  • Speak one to one with key buyers and decision-makers
  • Showcase your products and services

Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities

Our sponsors and exhibitors are a vibrant part of our event. By sponsoring the festival, you are able to maximize the visibility of your brand, build name recognition and most importantly network among participants. The festival offers a variety of sponsorship levels to meet the needs of your organization.









USD 10.000

USD 5.000

USD 1.500

USD 800

Festival registrations**

5 3 2 1

Free accommodation for 2 nights

2 1 - -

Draped tables with chairs and free internet access

1 1 1 1

Choice of placement in exhibit hall





Panel sessions / Break-out sessions***





Acknowledgement in the festival programme

All coffee breaks and meals

Invitations to the appreciation dinner





* We cannot guarantee all package benefits for late registrations (up to six weeks before the event start-date).

**Where we are able to accommodate requests.

*** Sponsors will be invited onto an appropriate panel and gold sponsors will lead a break-out session.


Please contact us to get more information on the different packages.