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At the IB, we constantly test and improve our curriculums with rigorous, global research. We make sure that our programmes work for our schools and students, and that parents can have total confidence that their child’s education is on the right track. Take a look at some of the findings that we’ve used to make our education a better one, and some statistics that show the educational strength of the IB:

Longer-term outcomes (Global study)

The IB has profound and long-lasting effects on its graduates. In addition to instrumental advantages, such as earning advanced credits, IB alumni reported that the IB helped them develop critical thinking, analytical and writing skills, a broader view of the world and positive dispositions towards lifelong learning (Wright, 2015).

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Title I (US study)

US schools with a high proportion of students from low-income families are eligible to become Title I schools, which allows for the allotment of federal resources to attempt to close the achievement gap (US Department of Education, 2014). This study identifies trends in Title I schools offering IB programmes, explores issues of access to the IB, and examines the postsecondary trajectories of IB students from Title I schools. Overall, 60% of all public schools that offered one or more IB programme(s) in the US were designated Title I in 2012–2013. The findings indicate that Diploma Programme (DP) students from Title I schools, including students from low-income families, enroll in college at much higher rates than national averages. Moreover, DP students from Title I schools enroll in college at the same rate as DP students from US public schools generally. These findings suggest that students from many different backgrounds who participate in the DP are similarly successful in terms of postsecondary enrollment.

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DP versus A level students (UK study)

Examining the higher education outcomes of students in the UK, researchers explored the university enrollment and achievement of matched cohorts of DP and A level students. Results showed that DP students were significantly more likely than their A level peers to attend a top twenty university in the UK and to receive a first-class honours degree.

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Chicago: (US study)

A study of Chicago Public School graduates indicated that DP students are more likely to enroll in college, to enroll in selective colleges, to stay enrolled and to perform better than statistically matched non-IB students. Overall, DP students reported feeling prepared for university coursework and described analytical and writing skills, motivation, organization and time management as strengths developed during the DP.


CP (US study)

A study examining patterns of higher education enrollment, destinations and persistence of CP graduates from US high schools (2013-2015) found that CP graduates enrolled and persisted in college at higher rates than the national average.  


DP Turkey (Turkish study)

A study of the higher education outcomes of DP graduates in Turkey found that former DP students generally had higher subject grades, overall grade point averages and graduation rates than their non-IB counterparts. DP graduates also reported feeling well-prepared for university studies, particularly with regard to the use of English language skills and academic skills, such as writing and managing independent work.